Stewardship Team

Deacon Roles

give leadership to diaconal ministry

The primary role of your Deacons is to share the love of Christ and demonstrate His caring concern for those in need. In diaconal ministry, Deacons empower and equip members of their congregation for service. (Ephesians 4:12)

Diaconal ministry, to touch people's lives as Christ's hands and feet, focuses mainly on four key areas.


Model and demonstrate compassion to those who are hurting with words of hope and actions for encouragement.

Community Ministry

Model and encourage the congregation to be engaged in community ministry in and with their local communities.


Model and encourage members of their congregation to be stewards of God's creation and to practice authentic stewardship.


Model and encourage the congregation to be advocates for and with the marginalized and vulnerable people in their community.

Deacon Responsibilities

demonstrate the care of the lord

In both word and deed, Deacons demonstrate the care of the Lord himself and serve by showing mercy to the church and all people. Deacons should also be aware of the needs of the congregation and its individual members.

In response, your Deacons complete and coordinate specific duties on behalf of the church.

Manage church benevolence
  • Prepare the offering schedule.
  • Introduce and collect the weekly offering.
  • Respond to requests for support.
Address church community well-being
  • Become aware of people struggling financially within the church community.
  • Become aware of people struggling mentally or emotionally within the church community.
  • Become aware of justice issues within the church community and advocate for those with disability concerns.
Reach out to the community
  • Connect and partner with the local community pillars.
  • Identify service opportunities in the community.
  • Participate in, support, and provide for community events.
  • Support and connect with missionaries both at home and abroad.

your deacons are here for you

deacons are here to provide you support

Deacons are to be compassionate to those in need and treat them with dignity and respect; hold in trust all sensitive matters confided to them; encourage with words that create hope in hearts and with deeds that bring joy into lives; live as examples of Christ Jesus; and look to the interests of others. (Charge to Deacons, Form of Ordination, 2016)

In response, your Deacons aim to assess needs upon request or referral and provide support for a variety of needs.

are you facing...
  • A difficult family situation?
  • The loss of a job or income?
  • Financial strain?
  • The loss of a loved one?
  • Bills piling up?
  • Vehicle or home troubles?
  • Eviction?
the stewardship team can...
  • Provide you with short-term financial relief.
    • a set amount of monetary assistance
    • grocery gift cards
    • prepared meals
  • Help you find long-term solutions.
  • Assist with connecting you to the right support people or group.
  • Connect you to the correct community support services.

sharing our gifts

the overflowing joy of giving

Stewardship refers to the use, care and giving of all the gifts that God has entrusted to us. Although important, giving financially is only a part of our stewardship before God. the offering of time and talents is also a significant part of our gratitude for God's grace.

All congregation members are valuable, essential, and effective partners in the growth and life of the body of Christ. Your involvement in the ministry of mercy and compassion is multiplied on a continual basis.

Offering Our Time

Volunteering to help a person or group within our church, community or beyond.

Offering Our Talents

Providing specific skills to aid a person or group within our church, community or beyond.

Offering Our Treasures

Giving monetary donations to support our church, community or beyond.

Monetary Giving Options

“To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”

Ephesians 4:12